
Breastfeeding Support

In this section are some links to videos and other sites which we feel will help support and inform you when breastfeeding. Whether you are new to breastfeeding or this is baby number four, we know each baby comes with their own ideas and challenges. These links offer you the opportunity to look at different positions and techniques to help support you in your feeding journey.

Your Neighbourhood Midwives - breastfeeding advice
Your Neighbourhood Midwives - pumping and milk supply

Milk Supply and Pumping

There may come a time in your feeding journey where you may be advised to pump/express in order to increase your milk supply, to offer your baby a supplement of expressed breast milk (EBM), or because you may have made the decision to mix feed. So here are some links which provide lots of useful advice and tips to inform your choices.

(It is recommended by WHO and UNICEF, that if you hope to exclusively breastfeed you should only feed from the breast for the first six months of life that you do not introduce alternative feeding methods/dummies/nipple shields before six weeks to avoid nipple confusion.)

Other Feeding Information

Milk Storage:

Breast pumps:

Positioning and Attachment:

Over Supply:

Low Milk Supply:

Colostrum Harvesting:

Nipple Shields:

Perinatal Mental Heath Support:

Your Neighbourhood Midwives - breastfeeding advice
Your Neighbourhood Midwives birth story 12

Positions for Pregnancy and Birth

We understand that babies do what they want but sometimes we can perhaps try and give them a little nudge and support in the right direction. Our bodies are very complicated and incredible and they undergo a huge amount of marvellous change during pregnancy and birth, and indeed afterwards which is all normal and natural and physiological……however we live in a busy modern world and sometimes that can squash our instincts. So here are some links to help you and your baby work together to prepare yourselves for pregnancy, labour and birth.

Optimal Fetal Positioning:


Rebozo Techniques:

Pelvic Girdle Pain:

Belly Mapping:

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