Birth story 23

Birth story 23

August 16, 2024

We chose Neighbourhood Midwives after looking at the positive reviews. We are so glad we were put in touch with Leonie and Tess. Leonie was our lead midwife and we soon discovered she was the perfect fit. On our initial visit, she made us feel at ease. She’s funny too, and this added a layer of comfort.

As the weeks passed, and the number of visits increased, Leonie became a very much valued part of our journey to becoming parents. During our birthing plan, Leonie and Tess took us through all the possible eventualities and mentally prepared us for different scenarios that could occur during childbirth.

We planned for a home birth and our hearts were set on this, we were plainly told anything could happen!!! When my waters broke, Leonie was on hand to come and see me straight away which was really reassuring. Things took a slight turn when our baby decided to do a poo inside and the home birth we had planned for, was no longer going to happen. We were devastated and hospital was the last place we wanted to end up in. Leonie was able to help us create a relaxing and warm environment at hospital.

She was also on hand to take photos which are so invaluable and priceless. Although there were other midwives at the hospital, Leonie was the one who made us feel safe. She supported in the birth and guided me with her words of wisdom and encouragement. We would have been lost without her! There are no words to describe how Leonie came through post birth. She was there for us day and night and we truly wanted her to move into our house (we did beg her, but she said no). Without Leonie, I would have given up on breastfeeding but with her specialist knowledge, we currently have a 2 1/2 year old with an incredible latch who was born with a tongue tie! Leonie, you are so invaluable. You have been amazing! You are the best decision we ever made. We would recommend you to everyone!